The above links are for Membership to the N.H.P.A., World Tournament being held in Washington State and The Nebraska State Tournament being held in Ainsworth this year. Along with the State Tournament form is a Nebraska State form for those that do not want to use the online payment in the Eshoe app. Print out and bring it and payment to a local tournament and give it to the Secretary or tournament director.
Notice: the venue and menu for the State Tournament has not been selected as of posting of the forms. TBA at a later date.
The NHPA has just made it possible to go on line and submit your entry to the world tournament. You can go to the NHPA page on this website and click on register online. Fill out the online form.
The Nebraska Application button for your membership will now go to the ESHOE site. With this site you can now look up your membership and pay online. you can also find your stats on this page. If you don't find the idea of payment on line then you can alway sign up at a tournament and it will be taken care of by the state secretary. For questions Call Rex Robison 402-910-6578